Hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels or veins that occur in or outside of the anal or rectal area. They are usually caused from sitting for long periods of time, straining during bowel movements, having chronic diarrhea or constipation. obesity, or pregnancy. Their arrival is most often signaled by discomfort while sitting or during a bowel movement; itching and bleeding.

Many hemorrhoid sufferers start to address the problem by adding fiber and water to their diets, then try over the counter ointments and creams which only mask symptoms to provide temporary relief. To address the root of the problem that is causing the pain, itching, bleeding, and overall discomfort, medical intervention is required.

Treatment varies depending on the hemorrhoid location, what problems they are causing, and how serious they are. When they don’t heal on their own, they may require treatment which can most often be performed in an office setting.

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